Create a fixup for a profile, Create a fixup based on an existing one, Create a single fixup – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual

Page 509: Duplicate a single fixup, Set up favorite single fixups

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Last updated 9/30/2011

Create a fixup for a profile

1 In the Profiles panel of the Preflight dialog box, click the Select Profiles button


2 Select a profile and click the Edit button next to the profile name.

3 On the left side of the dialog box, under the profile, select Fixups.

4 If necessary, choose Unlocked from the pop-up menu.

5 Under Fixups In This Profile, click the New icon


6 Name the fixup and specify the criteria.

Create a fixup based on an existing one

1 Follow steps 1 through 4 for creating a fixup for a profile.

2 In the Preflight Edit Profile dialog box, select the fixup you want to modify, and click the Duplicate button


the right.

3 In the Duplicate Fixup dialog box, modify the information as needed or create a new column.

4 To see which profiles currently use this fixup, click Usage. You may need to unlock other profiles before you can

modify the fixup.

5 Do any of the following, and click OK:

To rename the fixup, type in the Name box at the top.

To change how an error is handled, specify options or values for each selected fixup option.

Create a single fixup

1 In the Profiles panel of the Preflight dialog box, click the Select Single Fixups button


2 Choose Options > Create New Preflight Fixup.

3 Name the fixup and specify the criteria.

The new fixup appears in the group appropriate to its category and type.

Duplicate a single fixup

1 In the Profiles panel of the Preflight dialog box, click the Select Single Fixups button


2 Select an existing fixup, and choose Options > Duplicate Preflight Fixup.

Set up favorite single fixups

1 In the Profiles panel of the Preflight dialog box, click the Select Single Fixups button


2 Expand the groups as desired.

3 Select a single fixup, click the flag next to the name, and then choose Favorite.

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