Browse the internal font structure, Preflight profiles, About preflight profiles – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual

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Last updated 9/30/2011


Arranges content streams by text blocks, which are enclosed by BT and ET operators.


Displays content streams as a series of snippets. A snippet is a contiguous group of objects that share the

same graphic state. In this view, each snippet represents a type of drawing operation (for example, paint area) and its
graphic state.

Browse the internal font structure

View the internal structure of embedded fonts in a PDF in greater detail than the preflight results with a graphical view
that shows the outline and coordinates of each glyph. You can determine the source of various preflight problems, such
as mismatches caused by inconsistent glyph widths.

Before you can browse the internal font structure, you must run a preflight check.

1 In the Preflight window, choose Browse Internal Structure Of All Document Fonts from the Options menu.

To view the structure of a single font, expand the Fonts entry in the results, select a font, and choose Browse Internal
Font Structure from the Options menu.

2 To view the glyph details, click any of the following buttons:

Display Grid

Shows the origin of the glyph’s coordinate space, indicated by two green-colored orthogonal lines.

Display Boxes

Shows the area used by the selected glyph and the maximum area used by all glyphs using blue lines

that coincide on the top and bottom.

Display Filling

Shows the areas of a filled glyph as medium gray.

Display Points

Shows all the points used to define the glyph’s outline. Black points indicate the outline’s contour. Red

points indicate bezier curves and are offset from the outline’s contour.

Display Cursor

Shows the position of the currently selected point, indicated by two magenta-colored orthogonal

lines. This button is available only if Display Points is selected.

3 To adjust the size of the glyph display area, drag the handle between the tree view and the glyph display area up or down.

Preflight profiles

About preflight profiles

The success of a preflight inspection depends on how well you define the criteria for the inspection. The inspection
criteria are packaged in a file called a preflight profile. A preflight profile includes one or more checks, fixups, or both
checks and fixups. Each check includes one or more property statements that validate the PDF content. Preflight shows
an error only if all the property statements in the check are in error. In the Preflight Edit Profile dialog box, you can
specify which values to use and how to handle mismatches. For example, you can choose a profile that simply reports
mismatches, or one that automatically fixes a mismatch according to its specified parameters. A profile with a fixup
has the filled-in gray wrench icon next to it.

Adobe Acrobat includes several predefined preflight profiles, organized into groups, such as Digital Printing, PDF
Analysis, Prepress, and PDF/A, PDF/E, or PDF/X Compliance. You can use the predefined profiles as is or modify
them to create custom profiles. The checks that make up the profiles (called rules in previous versions of Acrobat) are
organized by categories, such as Document, Pages, Images, and so on. Each check in a category governs a particular
document property.

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