Comment on 3d designs – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual

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3D models and geospatial PDFs

Last updated 9/30/2011

Always Render 3D PMI Using Z-buffer—The rendering of the PMI always turns on Z-buffer regardless of the setting
in the file.

Open Model Tree On 3D Activation

Determines whether the Model Tree is displayed when the 3D model is activated.

Choose Use Annotation’s Setting to use whichever setting the author used when adding the 3D model to the PDF.

Default Toolbar State

Determines whether the 3D toolbar is shown or hidden when a 3D model is activated. Choose

Use Annotation’s Setting to use whichever setting the author used when adding the 3D model to the PDF.

Enable Selection For The Hand Tool

Lets the user select and highlight parts of the 3D model using the Hand tool. If this

option is not selected, use the Object Data tool (Tools > Analysis > Object Data Tool) to select the object.

Consolidate Tools On The 3D Toolbar

Selecting this option places the manipulation and navigation tools under the

Rotate tool, thereby shortening the 3D toolbar.

Enable View Transitions

Some 3D models include animated transitions between views. Deselect this option if you

want to prevent this 3D animation.

Show 3D Orientation Axis

Turns on or off an in-scene display of an axis that indicates the current orientation of the

3D scene.

Optimization Scheme For Low Framerate

Specifies what happens to animations of complex models when the

framerate becomes low. None does not compromise the visuals and leaves the framerate low. Bounding Box shows the
three-dimensional planes enclosing the parts instead of the parts themselves, which keeps the framerate high. Drop
Objects does not show some parts of the model, which keeps the framerate high.

Framerate Threshold

Sets the minimum framerate, either by dragging the slider or entering a number in the value box.

If the framerate drops below that number of frames per second, the Optimization Scheme For Low Framerate option
goes into effect.

Comment on 3D designs

Comments added to a 3D object are associated with specific views that are defined when the comments are added. If
the view is changed—for example, if the 3D object is rotated or moved—the comments are no longer visible.

You have three ways to add comments to a 3D object:

Using the 3D Comment Tool on the 3D toolbar to add comments to specific parts of a 3D model.

Using the Comments and Markup toolbar to add a variety of comment types to a 3D view.

Converting a 3D measurement into a comment.

Note: Adding comments to 3D model views requires version 7.0.7 or later of Acrobat or Reader.

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