Capturing 3d models, Capturing a 3d model, Preparing for 3d capture – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual

Page 386: Capture a 3d model in a pdf

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3D models and geospatial PDFs

Last updated 9/30/2011

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Capturing 3D models

Capturing a 3D model

Using Acrobat Pro Extended to capture a 3D model is similar to capturing a screen image. Being able to capture a 3D
model is especially useful if Acrobat doesn’t support a certain 3D format, if a 3D model appears in a database but you
don’t have access to the actual 3D file, or if you want to capture a specific appearance of the 3D model. When you
capture a 3D model, Acrobat interprets the 3D model’s information, retrieving geometry information such as
simulation results, measurements, and annotations. However, the 3D model’s geometry and file structure (such as the
part names and hierarchy) aren’t preserved in the capture. Instead, all parts are listed under a single assembly.

You can capture a 3D model from any 3D CAD application that supports OpenGL, which is the standard graphics
language for 3D models. Acrobat Pro Extended was tested with a number of CAD applications for capture, and presets
for these applications are listed in the 3D Capture Preferences dialog box. Presets are generated for any applications
that aren’t listed the first time you capture a 3D model from that application.

When capturing, Acrobat Pro Extended allows separate settings for each application. A best guess is made to the
appropriate settings based on the name of the executable file. For example, if the name of the application is
“CNEXT.exe,” the settings default to CATIA capture settings. You can then edit the capture settings as appropriate.

Preparing for 3D capture

When using Acrobat Pro Extended to capture 3D models from CAD applications, refer to these guidelines to achieve
the best possible results:

Make sure that the 3D CAD application is set to use OpenGL. Note that some 3D applications don’t support
OpenGL. Most applications support more than one rendering method, but capture works only with OpenGL.

Prepare the 3D model for capture by removing unwanted parts and adding lighting or other effects. Remove any
artifacts, such as compasses, product trees, or XYZ coordinates from the 3D model. In some cases, these artifacts
are captured. In addition, disable backface culling and use a plain background.

When capturing 3D models, Acrobat Pro Extended creates a preset with the correct settings for tested applications
(applications tested by Adobe). When capturing from untested applications, you may need to change OpenGL
capture settings. These settings are on the OpenGL tab of the 3D Capture Settings dialog box that appears when
you choose Create PDF > From 3D Capture and click Settings.

For more information about changing settings in 3D CAD applications to get the best capture results, see


Capture a 3D model in a PDF

1 Open the 3D model in the original application in which the 3D model was created, or in another application.

2 In Acrobat Pro Extended, choose File > Create PDF > From 3D Capture.

Note: The first time you capture from a particular CAD application, you must restart the CAD application before you
can capture.

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