Create a password policy, Create a certificate policy, Creating policies for secure file attachments – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
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Last updated 9/30/2011
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Securing documents with certificates
Securing documents with passwords
Securing documents with Adobe LiveCycle Rights Management ES
Create a password policy
1 In Acrobat, choose Advanced > Security > Manage Security Policies.
2 Click New.
3 Select Use Passwords, and then click Next.
4 Type a name and description for the policy, do one of the following, and then click Next:
To specify passwords and restrictions whenever you apply this policy to a document, clear the Save Passwords With
The Policy option.
To save passwords and restriction settings with the policy, select Save Passwords With The Policy.
5 Specify a compatibility setting and password options. If you selected Save Passwords With The Policy, specify the
password and restrictions. Click OK.
6 Review the policy details, click Finish, and then click Close.
Create a certificate policy
1 In Acrobat, choose Advanced > Security > Manage Security Policies.
2 Click New.
3 Select Use Public Key Certificates, and then click Next.
4 Type a name and description for the policy, and specify the document components to encrypt.
Certificates must be current and have key usage that allows for encryption.
5 Determine how to enforce the policy:
To create a policy that is associated with individual recipients, do not select Ask For Recipients When Applying This
To create a policy that is associated with individual documents, select Ask For Recipients When Applying This
6 Select an encryption algorithm from the menu that is compatible with the recipients’ version of Acrobat, and click Next.
7 Do one of the following:
If you selected Ask For Recipients When Applying This Policy, review the policy settings and then click Finish.
If you did not select Ask For Recipients When Applying This Policy, specify recipients by selecting digital IDs
(including your digital ID). Then click Next.
8 Click Finish.
Creating policies for secure file attachments
You can add security to one or more documents by embedding them in an security envelope and sending it as an email
attachment. This method is especially useful if you want to send a secure file attachment without encrypting the files.
You can embed the documents as file attachments in a security envelope, encrypt the security envelope, and send it to
the recipients. When the recipients open the envelope, they can extract the file attachments and save them. The saved
files are identical to the original file attachments and are no longer encrypted when saved.