Modify a batch sequence, Edit a batch sequence – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
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Editing PDFs
Last updated 9/30/2011
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Modify a batch sequence
You can add, rearrange, and delete commands in the batch sequence definitions to suit your work requirements. You
can also edit the options for individual commands in the batch sequence or add interactive pauses at strategic points
in the batch processing.
Any changes you make to a predefined batch sequence are automatically saved as a part of the sequence. To restore the
predefined batch sequence to its default settings, you must manually remove any changes you made to it. If you require
a sequence of complex or highly customized commands, consider creating a new batch sequence.
Edit a batch sequence
1 Choose Advanced
> Document Processing > Batch Processing, select the batch sequence, and click Edit Sequence.
2 In the Edit Sequence dialog box, click Select Commands.
3 To modify the sequence of commands, do any of the following:
To add a command to the sequence, select it in the list on the left and click Add to move it to the list on the right.
To delete a command from the sequence, select it on the right and click Remove.
To change the order in which the commands are applied, select a command, and click Move Up or Move Down.
4 To change the options for a particular command, select the command from the list on the right, and click Edit. (The
Edit button is unavailable if you select a command that has no options.) When you’re done, click OK, and then click
OK to return to the Edit Batch Sequence dialog box.
Note: To review the command options, expand the command display.
5 Specify which files you want to process from the Run Commands On menu by navigating to the folder or file, and
then clicking Source File Options to make changes as needed.
6 From the Select Output Locations menu, choose a location option for the files that are created by the batch
processing. If you choose Specific Folder, navigate to that folder.
7 Click Output Options, and specify the format to name and save the processed files, and then click OK.