Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
Page 46

Last updated 9/30/2011
Application Startup
Show Splash Screen
Determines whether the application startup screen appears each time the application starts.
Use Only Certified Plug-Ins
Ensures that only Adobe-certified third-party plug-ins are loaded. The notation Currently
in Certified Mode indicates either Yes or No depending on its status.
Check 2D Graphics Accelerator (Windows only)
(Appears only if your computer hardware supports 2D graphics
acceleration.) When selected, allows hardware acceleration usage when the first document is opened. When
deselected, hardware acceleration usage starts after the first document is opened. This option can slow startup time, so
it is unselected by default.
Note: This option is available only when the option Use 2D Graphics Acceleration in the Page Display preferences is
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Page Display preferences
Default Layout And Zoom
Page Layout
Sets the page layout used for scrolling when you first open a document. The default setting is Automatic.
The page layout setting in File > Properties > Initial View overrides the page layout setting in Preferences.
Sets the magnification level for PDF documents when they are first opened. This value overrides document
settings. The default setting is Automatic.
Use System Setting
Uses the system settings for monitor resolution.
Custom Resolution
Sets the monitor resolution.
Smooth Text
Specifies the type of text-smoothing to apply.
Smooth Line Art
Applies smoothing to remove abrupt angles in lines.
Smooth Images
Applies smoothing to minimize abrupt changes in images.
Use Local Fonts
Specifies whether the application uses or ignores local fonts installed on your system. When
deselected, substitute fonts are used for any font not embedded in the PDF. If a font cannot be substituted, the text
appears as bullets and an error message appears.
Enhance Thin Lines
When selected, clarifies thin lines in the display to make them more visible.
Use Page Cache
Places the next page in a buffer before the current page is viewed to reduce the time required to page
through a document.
Use 2D Graphics Acceleration (Windows only)
(Appears only if your computer hardware supports 2D graphics
acceleration.) Speeds up zooming, scrolling, and redrawing of page content, and speeds the rendering and
manipulation of 2D PDF content. This option is selected by default.
Note: If this option is not available in the Page Display preferences, you may need to update your GPU card driver to
enable this hardware feature. Contact your card vendor or computer manufacturer for an updated driver.