Convert an open email message to pdf (outlook), Convert email messages to a new pdf, Add email messages or folders to an existing pdf – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
Page 86: Convert email folders to a new pdf

Creating PDFs
Last updated 9/30/2011
To assemble converted email messages as components of a PDF Portfolio, select Output Adobe PDF Portfolio
When Creating A New PDF File.
Convert an open email message to PDF (Outlook)
Choose Adobe PDF > Convert To Adobe PDF.
You can also convert a different file to PDF from within an open Outlook email message if the Attach As Adobe PDF
toolbar is shown. Clicking this button opens a series of dialog boxes for selecting and saving the new PDF and also
starts Acrobat, if it is not already running. The resulting PDF is attached to the open email message.
Convert email messages to a new PDF
1 In Outlook or Lotus Notes, select the individual email messages.
2 Do one of the following:
(Outlook) Choose Adobe PDF > Convert Selected Messages > Create New PDF.
(Lotus Notes) Choose Actions > Convert Selected Messages To Adobe PDF.
3 In the Save Adobe PDF As dialog box, select a location, type a filename, and click Save.
Add email messages or folders to an existing PDF
1 In Outlook or Lotus Notes, select the individual email messages or folders.
2 Do one of the following:
(Outlook) Choose Adobe PDF > Convert Selected Messages > Append To Existing PDF, or Adobe PDF > Convert
Selected Folders > Append To Existing PDF.
Note: If you have already created one or more PDF Portfolios, you can choose from recently created PDF Portfolios in
addition to the Append To Existing PDF option.
(Lotus Notes) Choose Actions > Append Selected Message(s) To Existing Adobe PDF, or Actions > Append
Selected Folder(s) To Existing Adobe PDF.
3 Locate and select the PDF or PDF Portfolio to which you want to add the converted emails, and click Open.
Important: Do not type a new name for the PDF. If you do, a warning message appears telling you that the PDF was not
found. Click OK, and select a PDF without changing its name.
4 (Outlook only) If a message appears, alerting you that the existing PDF was created using an earlier version of
PDFMaker, do one of the following:
To create a PDF Portfolio from the original PDF archive, click Yes, and select a name and location for the new
archive. (The default name adds _Portfolio to the original PDF filename.) When the conversion is complete and the
Creating Adobe PDF dialog box closes, the new archive opens in Acrobat.
Click No to cancel the process.
Note: For PDF Portfolios of email converted or migrated in Acrobat 8 or later, only new messages—that is, messages that
are not already part of the PDF Portfolio—are appended.
Convert email folders to a new PDF
PDFMaker can convert multiple folders to PDF in one procedure. It is not necessary to select the folders at the
beginning of the process because you can select them in a dialog box that appears automatically.
1 Do one of the following:
(Outlook) Choose Adobe PDF > Convert Selected Folders > Create New PDF.