Recognize text - settings dialog box, Using the adobe pdf printer, Create pdfs by printing to file – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
Page 76: Create a pdf using the print command (windows)

Creating PDFs
Last updated 9/30/2011
2 Choose Document > OCR Text Recognition > Recognize Text Using OCR.
3 Specify the options in the Recognize Text - Settings dialog box.
Recognize Text - Settings dialog box
Primary OCR Language
Specifies the language for the OCR engine to use to identify the characters.
PDF Output Style
Determines the type of PDF to produce. All options require an input resolution of 72 dpi or higher
(recommended). All formats apply OCR and font and page recognition to the text images and convert them to normal text.
Searchable Image
Ensures that text is searchable and selectable. This option keeps the original image, deskews it as
needed, and places an invisible text layer over it. The selection for Downsample Images in this same dialog box
determines whether the image is downsampled and to what extent.
Searchable Image (Exact)
Ensures that text is searchable and selectable. This option keeps the original image and
places an invisible text layer over it. Recommended for cases requiring maximum fidelity to the original image.
Converts the fonts in the document to custom fonts that closely approximate the original. These fonts
preserve the page background using a low-resolution copy. To be able to edit text in PDFs created using ClearScan,
replace the custom fonts with fonts that you have on your computer. For more information, see “
Downsample Images
Decreases the number of pixels in color, grayscale, and monochrome images after OCR is
complete. Choose the degree of downsampling to apply. Higher-numbered options do less downsampling, producing
higher-resolution PDFs.
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Replace custom fonts with local fonts
Using the Adobe PDF printer
Create PDFs by printing to file
In many authoring applications, you can use the Print command with the Adobe PDF printer to convert your file to
PDF. Your source document is converted to PostScript and fed directly to Distiller for conversion to PDF, without
manually starting Distiller. The current Distiller preference settings and Adobe PDF settings are used to convert the
file. If you’re working with nonstandard page sizes, create a custom page size.
Note: (Windows) For Microsoft Office documents, the Adobe PDF printer does not include some of the features that are
available from PDFMaker. For example, you cannot create bookmarks and hyperlinks using the Adobe PDF printer. If
you’re creating a PDF from a Microsoft Office document and you want to use these features, use PDFMaker.
Note: The Adobe PDF printer creates untagged PDFs. A tagged structure is required for reflowing content to a handheld
device and is preferable for producing reliable results with a screen reader.
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Create a PDF using the Print command (Windows)
1 Open the file in its authoring application, and choose File