Move or edit an object, Select an object – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
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Editing PDFs
Last updated 9/30/2011
2 Right-click the page and choose Place Image.
3 Choose one of the following file formats: BMP, GIF, JPEG, PCX, PNG, or TIFF.
4 Select an image file, and click Open.
A copy of the image file appears in the center of the page, at the same resolution as the original file.
Another way to use the TouchUp Object tool is to combine content from two pages into one. See Donna Baker’s
tutorial at
Note: Editing and saving a digitally signed PDF invalidates the signature.
Move or edit an object
A selected object usually shows a bounding box. Selection handles appear when the pointer is over the object. When
the pointer is over a locked object, no selection handles appear. When you select multiple objects, the last object you
select becomes the anchor and appears red; the others appear blue. The anchor object remains stationary during
alignment operations.
To make another object in the selection the anchor object, Ctrl-click the new target object twice, once to remove the
object from the selection, and once to add it back to the selection. As the last object added to the selection, it becomes
the anchor object.
When objects of the same type are selected and the selection covers multiple pages, you can change the appearance of
the objects but not move them.
When you edit a text box, the entire text box is selected. You must use the TouchUp Text tool to edit individual
characters and words.
Use the Select Object tool to select and move objects such as form fields and links.
Use the TouchUp Object tool to select and move placed images, text blocks, and embedded objects.
Note: Editing and saving a digitally signed PDF invalidates the signature.
Select an object
1 Select one or more objects:
Click the object with the TouchUp Object tool
(Tools > Advanced Editing).
Click the object with the Select Object tool
, or with the tool you used to create the object.
Right-click the object and choose Select All from the context menu. If the Select Object tool is active and the
document uses single-page layout, all objects on the current page are selected. If the document is in any other page
layout, all objects in the document are selected. If a tool in the Advanced Editing toolbar is active, all objects of that
type in the document are selected.
Drag to create a rectangle around the desired objects. If the Select Object tool is active, all objects within the
rectangle are selected. If an Advanced Editing tool is active, press Ctrl as you drag; all objects of the tool type within
the rectangle are selected.
2 (Optional) Add one or more objects to the current selection:
Ctrl-click an object.
Shift-click to add a range of objects. (The Select Object tool includes all objects when you Shift-click.) Using Shift
selects all items that lie within the rectangular bounding box formed by all items in the selection (including the item
that was just added).