Edit layer properties – Adobe Acrobat 9 PRO Extended User Manual
Page 358

Editing PDFs
Last updated 9/30/2011
Layers panel
A. Eye icon indicates a displayed layer B. Locked layer C. Hidden layer D. Nested layer group E. Layer group
1 Choose View > Navigation Panels > Layers.
2 To hide a layer, click the eye icon. To show a hidden layer, click the empty box. (A layer is visible when the eye icon
is present, and hidden when the eye icon is absent. This setting temporarily overrides the settings in the Layer
Properties dialog box.)
Note: In a nested layer group, if the parent layer is hidden, the nested layers are automatically hidden as well. If the parent
layer is visible, nested layers can be made visible or hidden.
3 From the options menu
, choose one of the following:
List Layers For All Pages
Shows every layer across every page of the document.
List Layers For Visible Pages
Shows layers only on the currently visible pages.
Reset To Initial Visibility
Resets layers to their default state.
Apply Print Overrides
Displays layers according to the Print settings in the Layer Properties dialog box (Prints When
Visible, Never Prints, Always Prints).
Apply Export Overrides
Displays layers according to the Export settings in the Layer Properties dialog box (Exports
When Visible, Never Exports, Always Exports).
Apply Layer Overrides
Displays all layers. This option affects all optional content in the PDF, even layers that are not
listed in the Layers panel. All layers are visible, regardless of the settings in the Layer Properties dialog box. You cannot
change layer visibility using the eye icon until you deselect this command. When you edit layer properties in the Layer
Properties dialog box, changes are not effective until you choose Reset To Initial Visibility in the options menu.
(Changes to the layer name are the exception; they are effective immediately.)
Note: You cannot save the view of a layered PDF by using the eye icon in the Layers panel to show and hide layers. When
you save the file, the visibility of the layers automatically reverts to the initial visibility state.
To save a different view of a layered PDF, you must change the default state of the layers in the Layer Properties dialog box.
Edit layer properties
You can combine the default state setting, the visibility setting, and the print setting to control when a layer is visible
and when it prints. If a layer contains a watermark, for example, you may want the layer to not show on-screen but
always to print and always to export to other applications. In this case you can set the default state to on, the initial
visibility to never visible (the image doesn’t show on-screen), and the initial print and initial export states to always
print and always export. The layer need not be listed in the Layers panel, since all the state changes are handled