FUJITSU MB91460 SERIES FR60 User Manual
Page 429

Chapter 29 MPU / EDSU
BIT[3]: EINT1 - Enable extended INTerrupt 1
If EINT1 is set to ’1’ then a Tool NMI will be generated on an extended interrupt event at source channel 1. Set to
’0’ disables this function.
Remark: EINT1 interrupt source is not available for the MB91460 series.
BIT[2]: EINT0 - Enable extended INTerrupt 0
If EINT0 is set to ’1’ then a Tool NMI will be generated on an extended interrupt event at source channel 0. Set to
’0’ disables this function.
Remark: EINT1 and EINT0 can be used for indicating a signal line event which can be used for generating a BREAK
function. The sources of these interrupts are hardwired in the MCU and can be for example: external interrupt ports,
general purpose I/O port pins, other resources, etc. This has to be defined in the device specification.
BIT[1]: EINTT - Enable INTerrupt on Transmit
If EINTT is set to ’1’ then a Tool NMI will be generated on a transmit interrupt event at source channels 0 to 3 set
by TXINT[1:0]. Setting EINTT to ’0’ disables this function.
Remark: If SINT[1:0] is set to “11” this bit enables the interrupt of CAN channel 1 (CAN has one interrupt
request for both reception and transmission).
BIT[0]: EINTR - Enable INTerrupt on Receive
If EINTR is set to ’1’ then a Tool NMI will be generated on a receive interrupt event at source channels 0 to 3 set by
RXINT[1:0]. Setting EINTR to ’0’ disables this function.
Remark: If SINT[1:0] is set to “11” this bit enables the interrupt of CAN channel 0 (CAN has one interrupt
request for both reception and transmission).
Disable extended interrupt source 1 (default)
Enable extended interrupt source 1
Disable extended interrupt source 0 (default)
Enable extended interrupt source 0
Disable transmit interrupt source channels 0 to 3 (default)
Enable transmit interrupt source channels 0 to 3
Disable receive interrupt source channels 0 to 3 (default)
Enable receive interrupt source channels 0 to 3