Motorola DSP56301 User Manual
Page 301
DSP56301 User’s Manual
; HA[10] <- SBHE_ ; selects HI32 (base address 10011111)
; HA[9] <- SA[0] ; selects HI32 (base address 10011111)
; HA[8:3] <- SA[9:4] ; selects HI32 (base address 10011111)
; HA[2:0] <- SA[3:1] ; selects HTXR registers
; HD[15:0] - SD[15:0] ; Data bus
; HD[23:16] - Not connected ; High Data Bus - Should be pulled up or down
; HDBEN_ -> OE_ ; Output enable of transcievers
; HDBDR -> DIR ; Direction of transcievers
; HSAK_ -> IO16_ ; 16 bit data word
; HBS_ <- Vcc ; Bus Strobe disabled
; HAEN <- AEN ; DMA cycle enable
; HTA -> CHRDY ; Channel ready
; HWR_ <- IOWC_ ; IO/DMA write strobe
; HRD_ <- IORC_ ; IO/DMA read strobe
; HRST <- inverted RSTDRV ; invert ISA reset
; If MD:MC:MB:MA=x110, then it loads the program RAM from the Host
; Interface programmed to operate in the Universal Bus (UB) mode, in
; double-strobe pin configuration.
; The HI32 bootstrap code expects first to receive 3 bytes specifying the
; number of program words, then 3 bytes specifying the address to
; start loading the program words and then 3 bytes for each program word
; to be loaded. The number of words, the starting address and the program
; words are received least significant byte first followed by the mid and
; then by the most significant byte.
; The program words will be condensed into 24-bit words and stored in
; contiguous PRAM memory locations starting at the specified starting
; address. After reading the program words, program execution starts
; from the same address where loading started.
; The Host Interface bootstrap load program may be stopped by setting the
; Host Flag 0 (HF0) in HCTR register. This will start execution of the
; loaded program from the specified starting address.
; The user must externally decode the port address with active low logic and
; connect the select line to HAEN; all the address lines shall be pulled down
; except for HA3, HA2 and HA1 that select the HOST Interface registers.
; When booting through the Host Interface it is recommended that the Host
; boot program verify that the Host Interface is operational by
; reading the status register (HSTR) and confirm that TRDY=1.
; When booting through the Host Interface, it is recommended that the
; HOST Processor’s boot program verify that the Host Interface is
; ready by reading the status register (HSTR) and confirm that TRDY=1
; or HTRQ=1.
; If MD:MC:MB:MA=x111, then it loads the program RAM from the Host
; Interface programmed to operate in the Universal Bus (UB) mode, in
; single-strobe pin configuration.
; Other than the single-strobe pin configuration, this mode is identical to
; the double-strobe pin configuration UB mode (MD:MC:MB:MA=x110).