Fastpath log messages at8404 – Kontron AT8404 CLI User Manual

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FASTPATH log messages


AT8404 CLI Reference Manual

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Protected Ports

Cannot add intIfNum xxx to group yyy

This appears when an interface could not be

added to a particular group.

Protected Ports

unable to set protected port group

This appears when a dtl call fails to add

interface mask at the driver level

Protected Ports

Cannot delete intIfNum xxx from group yyy

This appears when a dtl call to delete an

interface from a group fails

Protected Ports

Cannot update group YYY after deleting

interface XXX

This message appears when an update group

for a interface deletion fails

Protected Ports

Received an interface change callback while

not ready to receive it

This appears when an interface change call

back has come before the protected port

component is ready.

Table 18: IP Subnet VLANS Log Messages




IPsubnet vlans

ERROR vlanIpSubnetSubnetValid :Invalid


This occurs when an invalid pair of subnet and

netmask has come from the CLI

IPsubnet vlans

IP Subnet Vlans: failed to save configuration This message appears when save

configuration of subnet vlans failed

IPsubnet vlans


Unable to create r/w lock for vlanIpSubnet

This appears when a read/write lock creations


IPsubnet vlans


Unable to register for VLAN change callback

This appears when this component unable to

register for vlan change notifications

IPsubnet vlans

vlanIpSubnetCnfgrFiniPhase1Process: could

not delete avl semaphore

This appears when a semaphore deletion of

this component fails.

IPsubnet vlans

vlanIpSubnetDtlVlanCreate: Failed

This appears when a dtl call fails to add an

entry into the table

IPsubnet vlans

vlanIpSubnetSubnetDeleteApply: Failed

This appears when a dtl fails to delete an entry

from the table

IPsubnet vlans

vlanIpSubnetVlanChangeCallback: Failed to

add an Entry

This appears when a dtl fails to add an entry

for a vlan add notify event.

IPsubnet vlans

vlanIpSubnetVlanChangeCallback: Failed to

delete an Entry

This appears when a dtl fails to delete an entry

for an vlan delete notify event.

Table 19: Mac-based VLANs Log Messages




Mac based VLANS MAC VLANs: Failed to save configuration

This message appears when save

configuration of Mac vlans failed

Mac based VLANS vlanMacCnfgrInitPhase1Process: Unable to

create r/w lock for vlanMac

This appears when a read/write lock creations


Mac based VLANS Unable to register for VLAN change callback This appears when this component unable to

register for vlan change notifications

Mac based VLANS vlanMacCnfgrFiniPhase1Process: could not

delete avl semaphore

This appears when a semaphore deletion of

this component fails.

Mac based VLANS vlanMacAddApply: Failed to add an entry

This appears when a dtl call fails to add an

entry into the table

Mac based VLANS vlanMacDeleteApply: Unable to delete an


This appears when a dtl fails to delete an entry

from the table

Table 17: Protected Ports Log Messages (Continued)


