1 no radius server attribute, 4 radius server host, Radius server host - 33 – Kontron AT8404 CLI User Manual
Page 309: At8404 management commands

Management Commands
Page 5 - 33
AT8404 CLI Reference Manual
no radius server attribute
version of this command disables the NAS-IP-Address attribute global parameter for RADIUS client. When
this parameter is disabled, the RADIUS client does not send the NAS-IP-Address attribute in RADIUS requests.
Example: The following shows an example of the command.
(Switch) (Config) #radius server attribute 4
(Switch) (Config) #radius server attribute 4
radius server host
This command configures the IP address or DNS name to use for communicating with the RADIUS server of a
selected server type. While configuring the IP address or DNS name for the authenticating or accounting servers,
you can also configure the port number and server name. If the authenticating and accounting servers are
c o n f i g u r e d w i t h o u t a n a m e , t h e c o m m a n d u s e s t h e ‘ D e f a u l t _ R A D I U S _ A u t h _ S e r v e r ’ a n d
‘Default_RADIUS_Acct_Server’ as the default names, respectively. The same name can be configured for more
than one authenticating servers and the name should be unique for accounting servers. The RADIUS client allows
the configuration of a maximum 32 authenticating and accounting servers.
If you use the
RADIUS authentication server. You can configure up to 3 servers per RADIUS client. If the maximum number of
configured servers is reached, the command fails until you remove one of the servers by issuing the “no” form of the
command. If you use the optional
connecting to the configured RADIUS server. The
If you use the
accounting server. You can only configure one accounting server. If an accounting server is currently configured,
use the “no” form of the command to remove it from the configuration. The IP address or hostname you specify must
match that of a previously configured accounting server. If you use the optional
configures the UDP port to use when connecting to the RADIUS accounting server. If a
configured for the accounting server, the new
radius server attribute <4> [
Global Config
NAS-IP-Address attribute to be used in RADIUS requests.
The IP address of the server.
no radius server attribute <4> [
Global Config
Note: To re-configure a RADIUS authentication server to use the default UDP
Note: To re-configure a RADIUS accounting server to use the default UDP