Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 996

background image

replacing a texture 494
resetting a parameter 473
resetting a parameter group 474
rotating characters 478
saving a custom style 512
saving gradients to the Library 489
saving styles 512
saving styles to Library 512
selecting characters 471
sequence controls 537
showing the Format pane 474
showing the Layout pane 514
showing the Style pane 478
size 476
slant 478
softness 503
Style pane 473
styles 509
supported fonts 464
Text tool 469
Texture Image well 494
texture sources with applied behaviors 499
texture sources with applied filters 499
tracking 477
Type On 515
using as a mask 500
using a texture 492
using in Motion 454
using the Dashboard 460, 464
using the Gradient Editor 485
where text styles are saved 512

Text Animation behaviors

about 525
applying from the Library 526
Scroll Up 529
Sequence Text 531
setting In and Out points 529
Tracking 544
Type On 546
using, example of 527

Text behaviors

about 318, 524
animation paths 527
previews of 526
saving to Library 555

Text Editor

adding text in 471
editing text in 472
spelling 473

Text format parameters 475
Text layout parameters 514–524
Text object tab 103
Text Sequence behaviors

about 548
adding and removing parameters 554
changing speed of 553

example of 548
modifying guidelines 552

Text Style Face parameters 479
Text Style parameters 478–503
Text Styles

in the Library 191

Text styles 96
Text tool 30, 469

adding text 470
creating margins with 523
resizing margins with 524

Texture Image well 493

animating 496
applying to text 492
editing 495
removing from text 494
replacing in text 494
sources with applied behaviors 499
sources with applied filters 499
with text objects 492

Texture Screen filter 782
Thinning keyframes 448

example 450

Third-party filters 793–794
Threshold filter 736
Throw behavior 352

Dashboard controls 353

Tile filter 789
Tile Offset

for emitters 595

Tiling filters 785–790

counting 53


adjusting 52
displaying 74
modifying dynamically 53
showing timecode or frame numbers 53

Timecode fields 51

Current Frame 51
Duration 51

Time filters 790–792
Timeline 21, 68–76

about 273
adding and deleting layers 278
adding an object to an existing layer 288
adding markers 313
adding multiple clips 286
adding objects to 282
adjusting track height 281
aligning keyframes 420
audio/video links 279
changing an object’s In or Out point 295
collapsing and expanding layers 74
collapsing and expanding tracks 277 Page 996 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM