Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 363

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Chapter 5

Using Behaviors


Parameters in the Inspector

Start Value: The value that’s added to the parameter at the first frame of the Ramp

End Value: The value the Ramp behavior reaches at the last frame of the behavior.
Over the life of the behavior, the parameter the Ramp behavior is applied to makes a
transition from the Start Value to the End Value plus the original value.

Curvature: This parameter lets you ease the acceleration with which the Ramp
behavior transitions from the Start Value to the End Value. Higher Curvature values
result in an Ease In/Ease Out effect, where the value slowly begins the transition,
gradually speeds up as the behavior continues, then gradually slows down to a stop as
it reaches the end. Curvature does not affect the overall duration of the effect, since
that is defined by the length of the behavior in the Timeline.

Start Offset: A slider that lets you delay the beginning of the behavior’s effect relative
to the first frame of its position in the Timeline. Adjust this parameter to make the
behavior start later. This parameter is in frames.

End Offset: A slider that lets you offset the end of the behavior’s effect relative to the
last frame of its position in the Timeline, in frames. Adjust this parameter to make the
behavior stop before the actual end of the behavior in the Timeline. Using this slider to
stop the effect, instead of trimming the end of the behavior in the Timeline, freezes the
end of the effect for the remaining duration of the object. Trimming the end of the
behavior resets the object to its original parameter.

Apply To: The Apply To pop-up menu shows the parameter being affected, and can be
used to reassign the behavior to another parameter.

Related behaviors


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Creates a continuous sequence of randomly increasing and decreasing values, based
on the parameters defining the range and type of values that are generated.

Although the values created with this behavior are random, they’re actually
predetermined by the parameter settings you’ve chosen. As long as you don’t change
the parameters, the frame-by-frame values created by this behavior remain the same. If
you don’t like the values that were randomly generated, click the Generate button in
the Behaviors tab in the Inspector to pick a new random seed number. This number is
used to generate a new sequence of values. Page 363 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM