Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 491

Chapter 7
Using Text
Like the preset gradients, a preview of the gradient appears in the Preview area when
the gradient is selected in the stack.
Applying Parameter Behaviors to Gradients
To create unique gradient effects, you can apply Parameter behaviors to gradient
parameters such as Opacity, Location, Start and End points, and Color. This is
accomplished in the same manner as applying a Parameter behavior to any other
parameter in Motion.
In the following example, a Randomize behavior is applied to the RGB color parameter
of one color in a three-color gradient.
To apply a Randomize parameter behavior to a gradient color:
In the Inspector, select a color tag in the Gradient Editor.
If the Color parameters are not displayed, click the Color disclosure triangle.
Select a color channel such as Red (it turns a darker gray when selected), Control-click
the parameter, then choose Randomize from the shortcut menu.
The Randomize parameter is applied to the color tag. Next, you must assign the color
channel(s) you want to be affected by the behavior.
In the Randomize Dashboard or Inspector, choose an option from the Apply To pop-up
menu. In this example, choose Styles > Style > Face > Gradient > RGB > RGB2 (for the
second color tag in the gradient) > Color > All.
Note: If you were using a shape, you would choose Object > Fill > Gradient > RGB >
RGB2 (for the second color tag) > Color > All.
An RGB item appears for every color tag in the gradient, as does an Alpha item for each
opacity tag. Because the gradient in this example has three colors, three RGB items
appear (RGB1, RGB2, and RGB3). The items are numbered from left to right—RGB1 is
the leftmost gradient color; RGB2 is the middle color; and RGB3 is the rightmost color.
The Offset and Middle parameters also appear in the pop-up menu above the Color
item. Offset represents the location of the color in the gradient (the Location
parameter), and Middle represents the spread of the color between two tags (the small
triangle control between the gradient color tags). Page 491 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM