Managing multiple open projects, Moving and archiving motion project files – Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 156

Chapter 2
Creating and Managing Projects
To clear the Open Recent submenu:
Choose File > Open Recent > Clear Menu.
Closing Projects
You can close projects either one at a time, or all at once. You close projects by closing
their project window (the window containing the Canvas).
To close a single project, do one of the following:
Press Control+W to close the currently selected window.
Click the Canvas window’s close button.
To close all open projects, do one of the following:
Press Command+Option+W.
Option-click the close button.
Note: Depending on the version, Option-clicking the close button to close all open
projects may not work on your current operating system.
Moving and Archiving Motion Project Files
If you want to move a Motion project file to another computer, you must also move all
the media that the project uses along with it, including all QuickTime, still image, and
audio files. In addition, if your project uses any third-party Motion plug-ins or
nonstandard fonts or LiveFonts, you need to make sure that those are also installed on
the computer you’re moving the project to, or they’ll be unavailable to your project.
Similarly, when you’re finished with a project and you want to archive it, it’s a good idea
to archive not just the project file, but also all media used (especially media that wasn’t
captured from a device-controllable video or audio source), graphics, fonts, custom
behaviors, filters, or third-party add-ons used by that project. In the event you want to
restore the project for later revisions, you’ll have everything you need to get started
quickly. If you have a recordable CD or DVD drive, backing up your media is easy. For
more information on copying files to a recordable CD or DVD disc, see Mac Help in the
Finder Help menu.
Managing Multiple Open Projects
Each open project is self-contained in its own window, and each has its own Layers,
Media, Audio, Timeline, Keyframe, and Audio Editor tabs.
You can use the Exposé All Windows command to see all open project windows at
once. For more information on how to use Exposé, see Mac Help, available in the
Finder Help menu. Page 156 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM