Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 977

transforms in 221
transport controls 20, 45
view options 38, 41
zooming 39
Zoom Level pop-up menu 39
Canvas transform modes 225
Canvas zoom level 40
removing objects or folders from 193
Caustics generator 797
Cell height 57
Cell parameters
based on selected color mode 607
for QuickTime movies 606
applying behaviors to 611
creating animations for 585
multiple 566
multiples within a particle system 574
Cellular generator 798
Channel Blur filter 715
Channel Swap filter 725
Checkerboard generator 798
Cinema layout 274
Circle Blur filter 715
Circle Mask tool 30
Circle Screen filter 767
Circle tool 29, 840
Clipping indicators 891
Clone an object 228
Closing windows 23
Clouds generator 799
Animation 948
Apple M-JPEG 949
artifacts and 949–950
for video file exchange 948, 950
JPEG 949
lossless 948
third-party 950
video file exchange 948
video quality and 948–950
Collapse image sequences 161
Collections (fonts) 475
broadcast colors 953
computer vs. broadcast video monitor 953
distorted 953
Color Balance filter 726
Color Burn blend mode 256
Color Correction filters 725–784
Color Dodge blend mode 259
Color Emboss filter 767
Colorize filter 729
Color Key filter 760
Color Reduce filter 727
Color Solid generator 800
Colors window 480
adjusting cell height 57
adjusting width 57
editing 57
hiding 63
moving 211
reordering 57
showing and hiding 211
sorting 58, 92
Combine blend mode 250
Combining behaviors and keyframes 413
Composite edit 283
Compositing 217
Compound Blur filter 716
Batch window 911
in Media tab 62
presets 912
Constant extrapolation 442
Constant interpolation 439
adding to Library 192
in the Library 191
missing 193
Continuous interpolation 439
Contrast filter 730
Control points
adding and deleting 829
adding to animation path 434
adding to animation paths 409
adjusting 240
converting to bezier 440
converting to bezier on animation paths 409
editing bezier points 832
locking or unlocking 831
moving on shapes or masks 828
removing from animation path 435
selecting on shapes or masks 828
showing 828
Control Point tool 28
Converting behaviors to keyframes 341 Page 977 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM