Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 103

Chapter 1
Getting To Know Motion
Inspector Tabs
The parameters in the Inspector are grouped into four categories.
Properties: This tab contains basic attributes about the selected object, such as
Transformation (position, scale, rotation, and so on), Blending (opacity, blend mode,
and so on), Drop Shadow controls, Crop Controls, and the object’s In and Out points.
Behaviors: Whenever a behavior is applied to an object, the parameters associated
with that behavior appear in the Behaviors tab. Multiple behaviors are grouped by the
behavior name.
Filters: Whenever a filter is applied to an object, the parameters associated with that
filter appear in the Filters tab. Multiple filters are grouped by the filter name.
Object: The Object tab changes its contents and title depending on what type of
object is selected. The different types of objects are described below:
Layer: Appears when a layer is the selected object. The tab contains the Fixed
Resolution parameters, which allow you to manually define the size of a layer. By
default, Fixed Resolution is disabled and the size of the layer is determined by the
objects within that layer. For more information, see “
Note: When enabled, the Fixed Resolution parameter crops the layer to the size
specified in the Fixed Width and Fixed Height parameters around the anchor point of
the layer.
Media: Appears when an object is selected in the Media tab. These parameters deal
mostly with attributes of the file on disk or how the file is interpreted by Motion.
Because multiple objects can point to a single media file, the Inspector Media tab
contains a list of linked objects including the name of the layer where they exist.
Making changes in this tab affects all objects that refer to the selected media file. For
more information on working with media parameters, see “
Text: Appears when a text object is selected and contains all of the controls that
affect the text object. It is divided into three panes: Format, Style, and Layout.
Format: Contains standard type controls such as font, size, tracking, kerning, and
so on. It also contains a large text entry box called the Text Editor where you can
edit the actual contents of the text.
Style: Controls the color, texture, and similar attributes for the typeface, outline,
glow, and drop shadow. Each of these sections is grouped and can be turned on or
off by clicking the activation checkbox next to the category name.
Layout: Contains paragraph style controls such as justification, alignment, and line
spacing (leading). This pane also contains controls to create a type-on effect or to
modify text path options. For more information on working with text parameters,
see “ Page 103 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM