The window menu – Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 135

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Chapter 1

Getting To Know Motion


Lines: Turns the display of object border lines on and off. Handles must also be turned
on in order to view lines. When lines are displayed, a checkmark appears beside the
menu item.

Animation Path: Turns display of animation paths on and off. Animation paths are the
lines that show where an object moves in the Canvas. Handles must also be turned on
in order to view animation paths. When animation paths are displayed, a checkmark
appears beside the menu item.

Show Overlays: Turns the display of all overlays on and off in the Canvas. This setting
must be on in order to view any of the other overlay items (grids, guides, and so on).
When Show Overlays is active, a checkmark appears beside the menu item

Snap: Turns object snapping on and off in the Canvas. Snapping automatically aligns
objects as you drag them. When snap is enabled, a checkmark appears beside the
menu item (N).

Show/Hide Fonts: Displays (or hides) the Font dialog for selecting fonts and font
attributes (Command+T).

Show/Hide Colors: Displays (or hides) the Colors window for selecting colors

Show/Hide Toolbar: Toggles display of the Toolbar. This is equivalent to clicking the
Roll-up button at the upper-right corner of the Canvas (Option+Command+T).

Customize Toolbar: Opens the Customize Toolbar sheet.

The Window Menu

This menu contains controls to show and hide all of the windows, panes, and tabs in
the Motion interface. You can also choose and manage window layout sets.

Minimize: Shrinks the active window to the Dock. This is equivalent to clicking the
Minimize button at the upper left of the window (Command+M).

Zoom: Resizes the active window to maximize desktop real estate. Toggles between
full screen and the previously saved non-full screen state.

Save Current Layout: Stores the current window arrangement. Choosing this option
requires you to name the layout you want to save. The new layout appears in the
Layouts Submenu.

Manage Layouts: Opens the Manage Layouts dialog where you can add, delete, and
modify custom window layouts. Page 135 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM