Using high resolution still, Images – Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 165

Chapter 2
Creating and Managing Projects
Using High Resolution Still Images
A common and effective use of still images in motion graphics work is the animation of
high resolution files. The DPI of image files as defined in programs like Photoshop does
not apply to video, as the dimensions of each imported still image are defined simply
by the number of pixels. If the current dimensions of an image are larger than the
frame size of your project, the image appears to be much larger, and by default it
appears to be “zoomed in” to its maximum size. You can change the scale of the image
to shrink it down to fit within the project’s frame size, but you can also animate the
scale to zoom into or out of the image, or animate the image’s position to pan around
within it, creating all kinds of motion-control effects.
Because Motion is graphics-card dependent, you may have different file-size import
limitations. When importing an image that is too large, an alert sheet appears which
states “This media is too large to render at full resolution, and will be shown at a lower
quality.” Click OK to import the image at a lower quality.
For more information, visit the
Motion site at
When importing large still images, you can set a preference that tells Motion to import
the file at its original size, to change the resolution of the image to fit the Canvas size,
or to scale the image down to fit the Canvas size.
To set the large still image import preference:
Choose Motion > Preferences ( or press Command+,).
In the Still Images & Objects group of the Project Preferences, choose a setting from
the Large Stills pop-up menu.
Do Nothing: Imports the image at its original size.
Click to choose large still
import preference. Page 165 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM