Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 988

background image



motion blur 862
moving control points 828
parameters 854–857
particle systems 582
replacing an alpha channel 859
rotoscoping 862
selecting control points 828
showing control points 828
showing in the Timeline 280
tangent handles 832
transforming (as an object) 865
turning handles on or off 828
turning snapping on or off 827
using b-splines 823
using multiple 857
using text as a mask 500
using with keying filters 869

Mask set in Toolbar 30
Master controls

for multi-cell particle systems 590

Matte Choker filter 765
Matte filters 765

adding and removing 63
adding to projects 174–178
exchanging 184
in the Library 189
offline 193
online and offline 181
reconnecting 181
revealing source of 180

Media files

browsing 158
linked to objects 174

Media icon 33
Media object tab 103
Media tab 20, 61–64

displaying 61
filtering 63
filtering objects 63
parameters 185
Reconnect Media command 64
Reveal in Finder 64
revealing source objects 209
Show Columns button 62
sorting objects and layers 210

Membrane generator 801
Menus 124–137

Application menu 124
Edit menu 126
Favorites menu 132
File menu 125
Help menu 137

Mark menu 127
Object menu 130
View menu 132
Window menu 135

MIDI behavior 357
mini-Timeline 20

adding multiple objects to 49
adding objects to 49
changing object length 50
editing in 48
moving objects in time 50
slipping objects 50

MinMax filter 778
Mirror filter 746
Missing items 181
M-JPEG codec 949

curves 437, 446
filter parameters 706
particle systems 571

Modifying curves 444

standard definition (SD) 952

Monospaced text 478

opening automatically from Final Cut Pro 959

Motion blur 147

displaying 43
turning on and off 149
with masks 862

Motion Path behavior 348

example of 392

Motion paths

hand made 448

Move to Trash 90

uncompressed movies 948


entire layers 301
filters 710, 711
forward or backward one frame 307
objects 301
objects in time 293
overlapping objects 303
projects to other computers 156
single objects 302

MP3 files 878
Multi-channel audio files 884
Multiple cells 566
Multiple selections 292
Multiply blend mode 255
Music 96

in the Library 191 Page 988 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM