Parameter behaviors – Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 354

Chapter 5
Using Behaviors
Parameters in the Inspector
Affect Objects: This parameter appears when Throw is applied to a layer or object
(such as a particle emitter or text) that contains multiple objects. When this checkbox is
turned on (default), each object within the parent object moves as an individual object.
When this checkbox is turned off, the entire layer or object moves.
Increment: This pop-up menu lets you choose how the behavior’s effect progresses
over its duration in the Timeline. There are two choices:
Continuous Rate: This command sets the speed of the object at a steady number of
pixels per second, specified in the Throw Velocity parameter.
Note: If the Canvas is displaying a nonsquare pixel image, the vertical rate is in pixels
per second, and the horizontal rate is the perceptual equivalent.
Ramp to Final Value: This command moves the object from its original position to
the specified distance (in pixels) in the Throw Distance parameter.
Throw Velocity/Throw Distance: When the Increment pop-up menu is set to
Continuous Rate, the Throw Velocity parameter appears, which lets you set a
continuous speed for the object to move. When the Increment pop-up menu is set to
Ramp to Final Value, the Throw Distance parameter appears, which sets a total distance
(in pixels) for the object to travel over its duration.
Related behaviors
Parameter Behaviors
These behaviors can be applied to any object parameter that can be animated, and
their effects are limited to just that parameter. The same parameter behavior can be
added to different parameters, resulting in completely different effects. For example,
you can apply the Oscillate behavior to the opacity of an object to make it fade in and
out, or you can apply it to the rotation of an object to make it rock back and forth. You
can also apply parameter behaviors to filter parameters, generator parameters, the
parameters of particle systems, or even the parameters of other behaviors. Examples
include Oscillate, Randomize, and Reverse.
This behavior smooths the transition from one value to another caused by keyframes
and behaviors that are applied to a parameter. Use the Average behavior to smooth
out animated effects. Averaged motion moves more fluidly, while averaged changes to
parameters such as Opacity and to filter parameters appear to happen more gradually.
Use the Window Size parameter to adjust the amount by which to smooth the affected
parameter. Page 354 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM