Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 975

background image




Background color 40, 199
Background opacity 146
Baking behaviors 343
Baking behaviors into keyframes 343
Basic 3D filter 737
Basic Motion behaviors 344–354

about 317
using with text objects 556

Batch window 911
Before First Keyframe 441
Behavior categories

particles 611


about 17, 317
Add Behavior icon 31
adjusting timing of 335
Align To Motion 369
and keyframes 319
and replicators 696
animated previews 320
animating parameters 341
applying and removing 323
applying multiple 334
applying Parameter behaviors 326
applying Parameter behaviors to 342
applying to cells 611
applying to emitters 610
applying to filter parameters 708
applying to generators 811
applying to image masks 869
applying to layers 325
applying to masks 862
applying to multiple objects 324
applying to shapes 847
applying to text objects 463
Attracted To 371
Attractor 373
Average 354
baking 343
Basic Motion behaviors 344–354
behavior paths 322
browsing for 320
categories of 95, 317
changing duration of 336
changing offset of parameter behaviors 337
combining 334
combining with keyframes 338, 413
converting to keyframes 341, 343
copying and pasting 332
Custom 355
customizing 329
customizing in the Dashboard 330
customizing in the Inspector 330
deleting 325

Drag 375
Drift Attracted To 375
Drift Attractor 377
duplicating 333
Edge Collision 378
enabling 331
examples of 392–399
Fade In/Fade Out 344
Gravity 379
Grow/Shrink 346
in the Keyframe Editor 323, 339
in the Library 189
keyframing 342, 412
Locking 331
MIDI 357
modifying duration of 336
Motion Path 348
moving across computers 344
moving from one object to another 332
moving in time 337
multiplicitive behaviors 344
Negate 360
Orbit Around 380
Oscillate 360
Parameter behavior indicator in Inspector 418
Parameter behaviors 354–368
Ramp 362
Randomize 363
Random Motion 382
Rate 365
removing 325
renaming 331
reordering 334
Repel 384
Repel From 386
Reverse 366
Rotational Drag 387
saving 343–344
sharing 343–344
showing in the Timeline 280
Simulation behaviors 369–391
Snap Alignment to Motion 350
Spin 351
Spring 387
Stop 366
Stop behavior usage 335
Throw 352
trimming 336
using Stop or changing duration of 337
using with particle systems 610
using with text objects 556
versus keyframes with text 559
Vortex 389
where customized behaviors are saved 343
where Parameter behaviors appear 327 Page 975 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM