Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 455

Chapter 7
Using Text
Once you create the perfect text treatment—a customized text behavior or a text
object with the perfect gradient colors and glow—you can save the behavior or the
text style in the Library for use on another text object or in a future project.
Since text objects are like any other object, you can apply filters to text objects, change
the stacking order of text objects within a layer, or move text to another layer. Text can
also be easily duplicated or copied from one layer to another. Also like other objects,
text object properties such as position, blend modes, and drop shadows can be
changed and animated.
Other attributes are unique to text objects, such as face and outline and the ability to
change fonts or edit the text of an existing animated text object.
The Motion Library includes ten LiveFonts that can be applied to a text object.
LiveFonts are animated fonts that can add a little zing to your project.
Note: If you have Final Cut Pro with LiveType installed on your computer, all LiveFonts
appear in the Motion Library.
Customized text style saved
in the Library Page 455 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM