Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 133

Chapter 1
Getting To Know Motion
Correct for Aspect Ratio: Adjusts the display of the Canvas to simulate the non-square
pixels that appear on a TV monitor.
Preview for Float Bit Depth: When working in float space, turning this setting off
drops the preview in the Canvas to 8-bit. Since working in float space drastically
increases processing time, turn this setting off to speed your workflow. This setting
does not modify the actual output of the project.
The Channels Submenu
This submenu sets the Canvas to display individual color or transparency channels.
Current settings are indicated with a checkmark beside the item in the menu.
Color: Shows the image just as it would appear on a video monitor. Visible objects
appear in natural color and transparent areas reveal the background color as set in the
Project Properties. This is black by default. (To learn how to change the Canvas
background color, see “
Transparent: Shows the background area of the Canvas as transparent. A
checkerboard pattern appears where no images block the background.
Alpha Overlay: Displays the image in normal color, but adds a red highlight over
transparent areas of the image.
RGB Only: Displays the normal mix of red green and blue channels but transparent
areas (including semi-transparent areas) are treated as opaque.
Red: Sets the Canvas to display only the red channel as a range of black to white
Green: Sets the Canvas to display only the green channel as a range of black to white
Blue: Sets the Canvas to display only the blue channel as a range of black to white
Alpha: Sets the Canvas to display the alpha (transparency) channel of the objects in
the Canvas (Shift+A).
Inverted Alpha: Sets the Canvas to display an inverted view of the alpha
(transparency) channel (Option+Shift+A).
Toggle Current and Alpha: Switches back and forth between viewing the current state
and just the alpha channel (V).
The Resolution Submenu
This submenu sets the quality level of the Canvas. Reducing the resolution improves
playback performance. Choose from Full, Half, Third, and Quarter resolution. Each lower
setting further degrades the image. The current setting is indicated with a checkmark
beside the menu item. Page 133 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM