Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 990

background image




resetting in the Canvas 40


audio 890
audio tracks 890
in Audio Editor 85

Pan tool 29
Parallelogram Tile filter 788
Parameter behaviors 354–368

about 317
and replicators 695
applying 326
applying to generators 811
applying to gradients 491
applying to text 517
changing start and end offset 337
Indicator in Inspector 418
in the Animation menu 328
keyframing 610
MIDI 357
reassigning to another parameter 329
using with text objects 556
where they appear 327


emitter 587
particle cell 597–605
particle cells 608
shapes 836
single-cell emitter 597–605

Parameter Selection menu 100
Particle cell object tab 104
Particle cell parameters 597–605, 608
Particle cells

filters applied to 568

Particle effects

adding 570
pre-made 569

Particle emitters 569

in the Library 190

Particle library 569

additive blend 600
and layer size 569
angle 599
animated 566
birth rate 598
birth rate range 598
cells 566
cell source objects 568
distribution of 582
life 599
life range 599
Make Particles icon 31
number generated per second 573
particle emitter categories 95
pre-made 569

scale 602
speed 599
speed range 599
spin 600
using behaviors with cells 611
using behaviors with emitters 610
using generators as cell sources 814

Particles behaviors

about 318

Particle systems 567

advanced controls 586–608
and looping clips 586
animating objects in 610
applying filters to 612
blending 582
creating 571
creating graphics for 585–586
customizing emitters 575
drop shadows 582
examples 613
explosion example 584
graphics size 585
keyframes and curves 587
masks 582
modifying 571
multi-cell master controls 590
multiple cells within 574
predictability of 574
timing 583
using behaviors with 610

Paste 298

in Layers tab 61

Paste Exchange 299
Paste Insert 299
Paste Overwrite 299
Paste Special 299

behaviors 332
filters 710
keyframes 435

Path pop-up menu 89
PDF files

about 170
fixing the resolution of 171
multi-page 172
with mixed content 172

Perspective Tile filter 788
Photos 96

in the Library 191


adding layered files 177
incompatible effects 170
layered files 170

Ping-Pong end condition 187
Ping Pong extrapolation 442
Pin Light blend mode 264 Page 990 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM