Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 435

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Chapter 6

Keyframes and Curves


Curves created when new keyframes are added are set to the linear interpolation
method. For more information on interpolation methods, see “

Modifying Curves

” on

page 437.

To delete a keyframe, do one of the following:


Select the keyframe, then press Delete.

Note: You can drag to select multiple keyframes.


Control-click the keyframe, then choose Delete from the shortcut menu.


Navigate to the keyframe, then choose Delete Keyframe from the Animation menu for
that parameter.

To delete all of the keyframes for a parameter:


Click the Animation menu in the parameter list, then choose Reset Parameter.

Note: You can also use the Animation menu in the Inspector.

Controlling Keyframes

In addition to deleting keyframes, there are some special settings you can apply to your
keyframes to control the shape of your curve. These settings are available in the
shortcut menu for keyframes.

To lock or disable a keyframe:


Control-click the keyframe you want to modify, then choose Lock or Disable from the
shortcut menu.

Lock: Prevents any further modification to that keyframe.

Disable: Makes a keyframe temporarily ignored without deleting it.

Copying and Pasting Keyframes

Keyframes can be moved from one parameter to another using copy and paste. This
can be useful for copying a particular keyframe effect from one object to another,
moving a keyframe path earlier or later in the same parameter, or for creating
keyframes on one parameter and applying them to another parameter.

To copy keyframes, you must select the keyframes you want to copy.

Note: Keyframes can only be pasted to parameters of the same type. For example, you
can copy and paste the Opacity keyframes of one object to the Opacity parameter of
another object. You cannot copy the Rotation keyframes of an object and paste them
to the Opacity parameter of another object. Page 435 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM