Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 633

Chapter 9
Using the Replicator
Using Multiple Source Objects for the Replicator
When you create a replicator pattern from scratch, you don’t have to restrict yourself to
using just one cell object. You can create a pattern that includes different elements by
placing multiple cells inside of a single replicator.
You can add as many source objects as you want to a single replicator. Each source
object becomes a cell in the replicator, and each cell has its own set of parameters. The
cell parameters govern the elements in the pattern. When you select a replicator cell in
the Layers tab or Timeline Layer list, its parameters are displayed in the Replicator Cell
tab in the Inspector.
Additional cells can be created either by selecting multiple source objects when
initially creating the replicator, or by dragging source objects to the replicator object in
the Layers tab or Timeline Layer list.
The following example uses two shapes as source objects for a single replicator.
To use multiple source objects for a replicator pattern:
Shift-select the objects you want to replicate. This example uses a white circle shape
and a red elliptical shape (both created with the Circle tool).
Note: Command-click noncontiguous objects that you want to add to the replicator. Page 633 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM