Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 318

Chapter 5
Using Behaviors
Particles behaviors are specifically designed to be applied to an Emitter object or cells
within particle systems. These behaviors affect how individual particles are animated
over the duration of their life. For more information on using particle behaviors, see
The Particles Behavior Category
Replicator behaviors are specifically designed to be applied to a replicator object or
cells within the replicator. These behaviors affect how the replicator cell parameters
are animated over their pattern. For example, you can create an animation that
travels over the replicator pattern in which each cell goes from 0 percent opacity to
100 percent. For more information on using replicator behaviors, see “
Simulation behaviors perform one of two tasks. Some Simulation behaviors, such as
Gravity, animate the parameters of an object in a way that simulates a real-world
phenomenon. Other Simulation behaviors, such as Attractor and Repel, affect the
parameters of one or more objects surrounding the object to which they’re applied.
These behaviors allow you to create some very sophisticated interactions among
multiple objects in your project with a minimum of adjustments. As with the Basic
Motion behaviors, Simulation behaviors also affect specific object parameters.
Examples include Attractor, Gravity, and Repel.
Text behaviors animate the parameters of text objects to create various animated
effects. Examples include Scroll Up, which causes text to move vertically for scrolling
titles or credits, and Type On, which reveals a text object letter by letter. For more
information on how to use text behaviors, see “ Page 318 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM