Drift attracted to – Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 375

Chapter 5
Using Behaviors
Drag: A slider that can be used to reduce the distance attracted objects overshoot the
object of attraction. Lower Drag values result in the object overshooting the object of
attraction, moving past and then careening back around toward the target object
again and again. Higher Drag values result in the object coming to rest sooner.
Related behaviors
This behavior lets you simulate the force of friction on a moving object, slowing it
down over time. Applying the Drag behavior is an easy way to decelerate objects with
multiple behaviors that create complex motion.
Dashboard control
The Dashboard lets you adjust the Amount of drag. When applied to a layer or group
(such as particles, text, or the replicator), the Affect Objects checkbox also appears in
the Dashboard.
Parameters in the Inspector
Affect Objects: This parameter appears when this behavior is applied to an object that
contains multiple objects, such as a layer, particle emitter, replicator, or text object.
When this checkbox is turned on, all objects within the parent object are affected
individually. When this checkbox is turned off, all objects within the layer are affected
by the behavior together, as if they were a single object.
Amount: A slider that can be used to slow down an object over time, causing it to
eventually come to a stop. Higher Drag values result in the object coming to rest
sooner. You can adjust the drag applied to the X and Y values separately. One example
of this would be to create a situation where an object’s vertical speed slows down
faster than its horizontal speed.
Related behaviors
Drift Attracted To
Similar to the Attracted To behavior, but by default an object moves toward the object
of attraction and comes to rest, rather than overshooting the object of attraction and
bouncing around.
Parameters affected
Parameters affected
01112.book Page 375 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM