Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 994

creating illustrations 844
creating transparency in 846
Dashboard 836
differing from masks 820
drawing a Bezier shape 821
drawing a B-Spline shape 823
drawing a line 842
drawing freehand shapes 842
drawing methods 820
editing 826
editing Bezier control points 832
editing B-Spline control points 834
editing fill 843
editing in the Keyframe Editor 850
editing outlines 842
feathering 843
finishing Bezier shapes 823
finishing B-Spline shapes 825
in the Library 190
keyboard shortcuts 939
keyframing 848
keyframing control points 848
locking control points 831
locking objects while editing 845
moving control points 828
organizing objects 845
parameters 836–840
rectangles 840
selecting control points 828
showing control points 828
tangent handles 832
transforming 827
turning handles on or off 828
turning snapping on or off 827
using object alignment 845
using outlines 838
behaviors 343–344
generators 811
Sharpen filter 766
Sharpen filters 766
Shearing objects 236
Show Behaviors button 332
Show Collapsed Image Sequences button 159
Showing layers 203
Show overlays 41
Shutter angle 148
Sidebar 89, 159
Silhouette Alpha blend mode 267
Silhouette Luma blend mode 267
Simple Border filter 724
Simulation behaviors 369–391
about 318
examples 369
how text is affected 558
audio tracks 892
objects 296, 305
Slit Scan filter 781
Slit Tunnel filter 782
Smoke effect
Snap Alignment to Motion behavior 350
using as particle cell source 815
Soft Light blend mode 261
Sorting columns 58
Soundtrack Pro 897
Sphere filter 750
Spill Suppressor filter 764
Splitting tracks 292
Spring behavior 387
Square pixels 951–952
Standard definition DV 945
Standard definition video
formats 944
NTSC video 944
PAL video 944
standard definition DV 945
Standard-definition video 945, 952
Starburst filter 751
Star generator 803
applying a parameter behavior to 811
Status Bar 37
Status Bar in Canvas 36
Stencil Alpha blend mode 266
Stencil Luma blend mode 267
Still images
Stop behavior 335, 366
Straight alpha channels 173
Stripes filter 751 Page 994 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM