Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 23

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Chapter 1

Getting To Know Motion


Basic Window Controls

In addition to choosing from the preset arrangements, you can manually arrange your
windows, resize them, or minimize them to the Dock.

To move a window:


Drag a window by the title bar to the new location.

To resize a window:


Drag the resize control in the lower-right corner of the window to resize it to the
desired size.

To simultaneously resize adjacent windows:


Drag the boundary between the two windows (the black line along the edge of the
window). The pointer changes its shape over the boundary, indicating you can drag
from there.

To minimize a window to the Dock:


Click the minimize button in the title bar. You can also double-click the title bar of the
Canvas to minimize it to the Dock.

Note: The Utility window cannot be minimized.

To close a window, do one of the following:


Click the close button.


Press Command+W in an active window.

Drag the thin black line
between two windows
to resize them at the
same time. Page 23 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM