Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 976

where they appear 321
Wind 390
Wriggle 367
Behaviors tab 103
Behind blend mode 268
Bevel Filters 723
Bezier animation paths 409
Bezier interpolation 439
Bezier Mask tool 30
Bezier splines 821
drawing with 822
editing control points 832
Bezier tool 29
Birth rate (emitters) 598
Birth rate range (emitters) 598
Bit depth 144
Black Hole filter 738
about 244
Add 257
Alpha Add 268
Behind 268
changing 246
Color Burn 256
Color Dodge 259
Combine 250
Darken 253, 254
Difference 265
Exclusion 266
Hard Light 262
Hard Mix 265
how they work 249
in Layers tab 61
Lighten 258
Linear Burn 256
Linear Dodge 260
Linear Light 263
Multiply 255
Normal 251, 253
on alpha channels 266
on layers 249
on objects 253
Overlay 260
Pin Light 264
Premultiplied Mix 268
Screen 258
Silhouette Alpha 267
Silhouette Luma 267
Soft Light 261
Stencil Alpha 266
Stencil Luma 267
subtract 253
Vivid Light 262
Bloom filter 755
Blue Green Screen filter 760
Blur filters 714–723
Blur map
Border filters 723–724
Brightness filter 725
Broadcast Safe filter 793
broadcast video 953
Browse Templates preference 108
B-Spline Mask tool 30
B-Splines 821
as masks 823
degrees of curvature 835
drawing with 823
editing control points 834
hiding the frame 837
B-Spline tool 30
Bulge filter 738
Bump Map filter 739
adding guides 44
animating position in 407
animation paths 409
basic animation 405
Channels pop-up menu 40
displaying color channels 40
displaying playback frame rate 38
Fit In Window command 40
frame rate 37
guides and safe zones 227
keyboard shortcuts 924–925
keyframing in 405
keyframing Scale parameter 405
mini-Timeline 20, 48
moving objects in 227
overlay options 41
pixel color status 37
play project 45
pointer position 37
Project pane 20
RAM preview 46
removing guides 44
resolution 40
Resolution pop-up menu 40
setting background color of 115
Status Bar 36
swapping Project pane 24
timecode fields 51
Timing pane 21 Page 976 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM