Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 155

Chapter 2
Creating and Managing Projects
To open one or more project files in the Finder, do one of the following:
Double-click a Motion project file. Motion automatically opens with that project.
Select one or more Motion project files, then drag them onto the Motion application
icon either in the Applications folder or in the Dock, if you’ve placed one there.
Select one or more Motion project files, then choose File > Open (or press
Command+O) in the Finder.
Select one or more Motion project files, Control-click one of them, then choose Open
from the shortcut menu.
Motion automatically starts and opens all selected projects.
To open a project file from within Motion using the Open command:
Choose File > Open (or press Command+O).
The Open dialog appears.
In the Open dialog, navigate to the project file you want, then click Open.
To open a project file from within the Motion File Browser:
In the File Browser, navigate to the project file you want and then select the file.
Do one of the following:
Double-click the project file.
In the Preview area, click the Import button.
The project opens in a new Canvas.
Opening Recent Projects
Every project you open in Motion is automatically added to the Open Recent submenu
in the File menu. You can choose a project from a list of projects that you’ve worked on
recently from this submenu. Motion keeps the names of the previous projects you’ve
worked on in the Open Recent submenu.
To open a recent project:
From the File menu, choose a project’s filename from the Open Recent submenu.
If the Open Recent submenu becomes too crowded, you can clear it out. Page 155 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM