Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 283

background image

Chapter 4

Using the Timeline


Depending on where in the Timeline you drop the object, you see different options. If
you drag to a layer track, you can choose Composite, Insert, or Overwrite. If you drag to
one of the objects within a layer, you get the additional choice of Exchange. The new
object can appear above or below an existing object; where you release the mouse
button determines placement of the new object.

Note: You can only use the Exchange option to exchange the same type of media. For
example, the Exchange option is not available when you drag a generator or shape
from the Library onto an image sequence.

If you are dropping multiple objects, you can choose Composite or Sequential from the
drop menu. Sequential imports objects one after the other.

Note: If you release the mouse button before the drop menu appears, the default
choice of Composite is applied. This means that the new object appears on top of
other objects in the Canvas.


When you choose Composite, the new object is added to a new track within the active
layer and all objects remain onscreen simultaneously.

Dragging to a layer track

Dragging within layer


After Page 283 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM