Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 985

general 18, 913
general interface 913
Help menu 923
Mark menu 917
Motion menu 915
Object menu 919
project controls 915, 916
transport controls 930
View menu 920
Window menu 922
Keyframe Editor 21, 76–81, 424–446
About 424
adding keyframes 434
and particle curves 587
Animation menu 427
Animation menu icon 79
Auto Scale button 81
Auto scale button 81
auto-scaling 446
Behavior Applied state 79
behaviors in 323
Clear Curve List button 81
combining keyframes with behaviors 339
control buttons 81, 444–446
Current Keyframe state 79
curve graph 433
Curve Set list 429
custom parameter sets 430–432
deleting keyframes 435
disabling keyframes 435
displaying 77
extrapolation 441
extrapolation methods 442
filtering the parameter list 429
Fit Curves button 81
fitting curves 445
generating keyframes 443
icon 33
interpolation methods 439
keyboard shortcuts 934
keyframe graph 79
Keyframing Active state 79
locking keyframes 435
modifying curves 437, 444, 446
modifying keyframes control points 433
No keyframes state 79
parameter list 77, 427
parts of the window 426
ruler 80
setting interpolation 437
Show Audio button 81
showing audio 445
Snap button 81
snapping 444
zooming in 80
zooming to entire project 80
zooming to play range 80
and behaviors 319
animating text parameters 559
combining with behaviors 338, 413
converting to Bezier 440
copying and pasting 435
deleting 422, 435
disabling 435
extrapolation 441
finding the values of 420
generating before first and after last 443
interpolation methods 439
locking 435
modifying curves 437, 444, 446
modifying in the Keyframe Editor 433
recording options 449
Setting interpolation for 437
shortcut for adding 416
showing in the Timeline 280
text parameters 559
thinning 428, 448
thinning example 450
versus behaviors with text 559
about 401–404
Adding a keyframe in the Inspector 416
aligning with other elements 420
animating on the fly 446
animation paths 409
audio tracks 894
basic techniques 405
behaviors 342, 412
curve graph 433
deleting a keyframe in the Inspector 417
extrapolation methods 442
filter parameters 707
filters 411
in the Animation menu 415
in the Canvas 405
in the Dashboard 409
in the Inspector 414–418
in the Keyframe Editor 424–446
in the Timeline 419–424
keyboard shortcuts 938
masks 862
modifying keyframes in the Timeline 420
moving a Keyframe in time 420
navigating to keyframes 417
Parameter behaviors 610
position 407
resetting a parameter 417
scaling object over time 405 Page 985 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM