Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 992

background image



closing 156
creating 139–149
creating from project presets 142
creating from templates 141
custom settings 143
embedding in Final Cut Pro projects 959
exporting 899–912
exporting from Final Cut Pro 958
imported or embedded in Final Cut Pro 956
In and Out points 308
managing 152–156
managing objects in 179, 183
moving 156
opening 154
opening last project automatically 140
opening multiples 156
opening recent 155
playing 45
QuickTime audio track 881
reverting 154
reverting to auto-saved 114
reverting to autosaved 154
saving 152
saving as a template 214
saving duplicates of 153
using in Final Cut Pro 955

Properties tab 103

parameters 241



audio files 878
exporting 901
field dominance and 950
movies 164
movies in particles 606
video codecs 941
website 12

QuickTime files

mixing different types 164

QuickTime Player 64
QuickTime video

archiving 157


Radial Blur filter 721
Ramp behavior 362
RAM Preview 46

and float 48
clear preview 48
preview entire project 46
preview play range 47
preview selection 47

Randomize behavior 363
Random Motion behavior 382

Rate behavior 365

example of 396

Reconnecting media 182
Reconnect Media command 64
Record button 45, 402, 405

disabling while playing 450
using 405

Recording options 449
Rectangle Mask tool 30
Rectangles 840
Rectangle tool 29, 840
Reduce Keyframes 78
Refraction filter 747
Regions 309
Relief filter 780
Removable media 163
Remove Preset 119
Rename files and folders 90

audio tracks 890
behaviors 331
layers 208
objects 276

Render order

for emitters 597

Render Settings tab 147

columns 57
filters 712

Repeat extrapolation 442
Repel behavior 384
Repel From behavior 386
Replace Media File button 188
Replicate icon 31
Replicator behaviors

about 318

Replicator object tab 104
Replicators 621–699

animating parameters 662, 673
animation curves 680
animation examples 674
applying masks to 644
arrangement of 638
blending 641
burst and spiral shape parameters 658
cell parameters 662
cell parameters for movies 672
creating media for 627
customizing in Dashboard 636
Dashboard parameters 636
differences from particles 622
elements in 622
filters and 698
geometry shape parameters 659
Library presets 628 Page 992 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM