Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 461

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Chapter 7

Using Text


Family: By default, a text object’s font family is set to Geneva (if installed on your
system). To change the font of the selected text object, choose a font from the pop-up

Typeface: Choose the type style, such as Bold, Italic, and so on from the Typeface pop-
up menu. The available typefaces are specific to the selected font family.

Color: A text object’s color is white by default. Click the color well to display the Colors
window and choose another color for the selected text object. You can also Control-
click a color well to display the pop-up color picker, then drag in the color spectrum to
select a color.

Size: A text object is created at 48 points by default. To change the point size of a text
object, drag the Size slider. Page 461 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM