Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 783
Chapter 10
Using Filters
Image Contrast: Sets the amount of contrast applied to the image by the screen.
Values range from 0 to 20.
Threshold: Sets the threshold of brightness of the background image used to
determine the brightness of the luminance map. Values range from –2 to 2.
Noise Contrast: Sets the amount of contrast added to the noise. Values range from 0
to 20.
Noisiness: Sets the amount of noise. Values range from 0 to 20.
Dashboard controls
The Dashboard contains the same controls as the Inspector, with the exception of
Vectorize Color
Makes the object appear as multicolored polygons. Four colors are substituted over the
entire color range of the object.
Parameters in the Inspector
Granularity: Sets the granularity of the polygons. The smaller the value, the smaller the
size of polygons in the resulting image. Values range from 3 to 64.
Smoothness: Sets the smoothness of transition between the colors that you select.
Values range from 0 to 1.
Curvaceousness: Sets the number of sides of the polygons generated by the filter. The
larger the number, the more sides each polygon has. Values range from 0 to 1.
First Color: Picks the first color that is substituted. The color picker can be expanded
with the disclosure triangle to display Red, Green, Blue, and Alpha sliders, for more
precise color selection.
Second Color: Picks the second color that is substituted.
Original image
Default colors set in Vectorize Color Page 783 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM