Apple Motion 2 User Manual

Page 807

background image

Chapter 11

Working With Generators


Note: You can save a color in the swatches along the bottom of the Colors window.
Click in the color bar (to the right of the color picker tool), then drag the color chip to a
white swatch, and release the mouse button.


Click the Color 2 color well and select a new color.

Color 2 is replaced with the new color.


Drag the Size slider to change the size of the checkers.

The checker size is 80 by default. Drag the slider to the left to make smaller checkers,
and to the right to make larger checkers.

To scale the generator (rather than the size of the checkers), use the Width and Height

Color bar (Drag a color
chip from here.)

Swatches (Position the color
chip over a white swatch and
release the mouse button.) Page 807 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM