Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 981

applying to masks 861
applying to particle systems 612
applying to shapes 847
applying to text objects 463
Aura 754
Basic 3D 737
Bevel 723
Black Hole 738
Bloom 755
Blue Green Screen 760
Blur filters 714–723
Border 723–724
Brightness 725
Broadcast Safe 793
browsing for 702
Bulge 738
Bump Map 739
categories 95
changing duration of 713
changing timing of 713
Channel Blur 715
Channel Swap 725
Circle Blur 715
Circle Screen 767
Color Balance 726
Color Correction 725–784
Color Emboss 767
Colorize 729
Color Key 760
Color Reduce 727
Compound Blur 716
Contrast 730
copying 710
Crystallize 768
Dazzle 756
Defocus 717
Deinterlace 793
Desaturate 730
Directional Blur 718
Disc Warp 740
Displace 740
Distortion 737–753
Droplet 741
duplicating 712
Earthquake 742
Echo 791
Edges 770
Edge Work 769
enabling 710
Equalize 731
Extrude 770
Fisheye 743
Flop 743
Fun House 744
Gamma 731
Gaussian Blur 719
Glass Block 744
Glass Distortion 745
Gloom 757
Glow 757
Glows 753–759
Gradient Blur 719
Gradient Colorize 732
Halftone 772
Hatched Screen 772
Highpass 773
HSV Adjust 733
Indent 773
Insect Eye 746
in the Library 189
Invert 733
Kaleidoscope 786
Kaleidotile 787
keyframing 411
Keying 760–764
Lens Flare 774
Levels 734
Light Rays 758
Line Art 776
Line Screen 777
locking 710
Lumakey 761
manipulating alpha channels 873
Matte 765
Matte Choker 765
MinMax 778
Mirror 746
missing 193
moving 710, 711
Negative 734
Noice Dither 779
Noise Dissolve 778
onscreen controls 707
Outer Glow 758
Overdrive 759
Parallelogram Tile 788
pasting 710
Perspective Tile 788
Pixellate 779
Poke 747
Posterize 780
previewing 702
Primatte RT 761
Prism 720
Radial Blur 721
Refraction 747
Relief 780
removing 703
renaming 710
reordering 712
Ring Lens 748
Ring Warp 749 Page 981 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM