Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 100

Chapter 1
Getting To Know Motion
In addition to the common parameter control types listed above, there are several
other controls that are widely used within the Inspector tab.
Reset button: Automatically restores the parameter value (or in some cases, an entire
set of parameters) back to its default value.
Color well
The box you click to open the Colors window.
You can also Control-click to pick a color from
the pop-up color palette (pictured), or click the
disclosure triangle to manipulate the individual
R, G, B, and A sliders. An example of a color
well is Drop Shadow Color.
Gradient Editor
Allows you to select a preset gradient style or
create a new one. When collapsed, you can
choose only from the Preset pop-up menu to
choose an existing preset. Alternately, click the
disclosure triangle to reveal the additional
controls to set the gradient’s opacity as well as
its color values. An example of a gradient
control appears in the Text Style pane when
the Face Fill With parameter is set to Gradient.
Image well
Allows you to drag an object (usually a clip or
still image) to provide input data for a type of
effect. For example, a bump map filter needs
an image to provide the bumps, or a Repel
From behavior needs to know what object to
repel. An example of an Image well is the
Attracted To behavior’s Object parameter.
Selection menu
A special type of pop-up menu, specifically for
Parameter behaviors. When a Parameter
behavior is applied to an object, you need to
identify which parameter the behavior should
affect. You can either type the name of the
parameter directly into the value field, or you
can choose from the Go pop-up menu which
lists all current parameters. An example of the
Parameter Selection menu is the Average
behavior’s Apply To parameter.
Control type
Reset button Page 100 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM