Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 982

Ripple 749
Saturate 735
Scrape 750
Sepia 735
Set Matte 765
Sharpen 766
Sharpening 766
showing in the Timeline 280
Simple Border 724
slipping in time 714
Slit Scan 781
Slit Tunnel 782
Sphere 750
Spill Supressor 764
Starburst 751
Stripes 751
Strobe 791
Stylizing 767–785
Target 752
Texture Screen 782
third-party 189, 793–794
Threshold 736
Tile 789
Tiling 785–790
Time 790–792
Tint 736
Trails 792
Triange Tile 790
trimming 713
Twirl 752
types of 702
Unsharp Mask 766
Variable Blur 722
Vectorize Color 783
Video 793
Vignette 784
Wave 753
Wavy Screen 785
Widescreen 724
Widetime 792
working with 709–714
Zoom Blur 723
Filters tab 103
Final Cut Express
clips and sequences in Motion 957
embedding Motion projects in 959
exported properties retained in Motion 960
exporting Motion projects from 958
importing movies from 164
integrating with Motion 955
Motion project alpha channels 957
using Motion projects in 955
Find a layer or object 209
Fisheye filter 743
Fit Curves button 445
Fixed resolution 206
Flexible space 32
Float bit depth 144
adding in File Browser 91
adding to Library 97
moving forward and backward 52
imported graphics and 951
in Media tab 62
using the Hold frame end condition 187
using the Scrub filter 791
Full resolution 40
Full Screen mode 27
Gamma filter 731
Garbage masks 870
Gaussian blur filter 719
General settings tab 144
Generate Keyframes dialog 444
Generating keyframes 443
Generator object tab 104
Generators 795
about 795
adding 796
animating 808
applying behaviors to 811
categories 95
Caustics 797
Cellular 798
Checkerboard 798
Clouds 799
Color Solid 800
duration of 795
editing 805
Gradient 801
in the Library 189
Membrane 801
modifying 804 Page 982 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM