Converting behaviors to keyframes, Saving and sharing custom behaviors, Converting – Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 343: Behaviors to keyframes

Chapter 5
Using Behaviors
For more information about keyframing parameters, see “
Converting Behaviors to Keyframes
If necessary, you can bake all the behaviors that have been applied to an object into
keyframes using the Convert to Keyframes command in the Object menu. When you
use the Convert to Keyframes command on an object in your project, all behaviors that
are applied to that object are converted to keyframes. The keyframes are applied to the
individual parameters the behaviors originally affected.
When behaviors that are applied to other objects affect the object being converted (for
example, the Attractor or Repel behavior), their effect is baked into the object’s
resulting keyframes value. The original behaviors remain applied to the other objects,
but the resulting effect is not doubled up as a result of the keyframes combining with
the behavior.
To convert behaviors to keyframes:
Select an object that has behaviors you want to convert.
Choose Object > Convert to Keyframes (or press Command+K).
A sheet drops down and prompts you to confirm the conversion to keyframes.
Click Convert.
All behaviors are converted into keyframes, which appear in the Keyframe Editor.
Note: You cannot selectively convert individual behaviors. The Convert to Keyframes
command converts all behaviors that are applied to an object at once.
Saving and Sharing Custom Behaviors
If you customize a behavior and you want to save it for future use, you can drag it to
the Favorites folder in the Library. Once a behavior is placed into the Library, it can be
applied to objects like any other behavior in the Library.
To save a behavior to the Library:
Open the Library and select the Behaviors, Favorites, or Favorites Menu category.
Drag the customized behavior you want to save from the Layers tab, Timeline, or
Inspector into the stack at the bottom of the Library.
Note: For organizational purposes, you may find it useful to create a new folder of your
own in the Favorites or Favorites Menu category to contain your customized behaviors.
All custom behaviors appear in the Behaviors category, regardless of whether they
were dragged into the Favorites or Favorites Menu category.
When you save a customized behavior, it’s saved in the Users/User Directory/Library/
Application Support/Motion/Library/ folder. Page 343 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM