Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 979

about 269
adding to text objects 508
adjusting 237
adjusting on text objects 508
blur amount 271
Dashboard controls 270
default text shadow 508
parameters in Properties tab 271
particle systems 582
with text objects 507
behaviors 333
export presets 904
filters 712
project presets 151
in Media tab 62
of still images 169
DVCAM format 945, 947
DVCPRO 100 format 946
DVCPRO 25 format 945, 946
DVCPRO 50 codec 949
DVCPRO 50 format 945, 946, 947
DV format 945, 947
Dynamic Guides 41
color of 115
turning on and off while editing 827
Earthquake filter 742
Ease In interpolation 439
Ease Out interpolation 439
Echo filter 791
Edge Collision behavior 378
Edges filter 770
Edge Work filter 769
columns 57
export presets 903
generators 805
how to slip an object 296
how to trim an object 295
in mini-Timeline 48
in the Timeline layer track 301, 306
objects in the Timeline 293–306
project properties 157–158
Editing terminology 293
Edit menu 126
organizing 97
turning on and off 60
Dashboard 575
shape options 590
Emitter object tab 104
Emitter parameters 587
for single and multiple cells 588
additive blend 600
angle 599
applying behaviors to 610
birth rate 598
birth rate range 598
creating 572
Dashboard parameters for 575–577
emit at points 595
emitter-only parameters 594
initial number 598
life 599
life range 599
modifying parameters 576
modifying properties 580–585
pattern 595
points 595
scale 602
size 595
speed 599
speed range 599
spin 600
burst 592
circle 592
geometry 594
image 594
line 591
point 590
rectangle 591
spiral 593
wave 593
Enabling and disabling tracks 277
Equalize filter 731
Exchange edit 285
Exchanging media 184
Exclusion blend mode 266 Page 979 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM