Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 906

Chapter 14
Exporting Motion Projects
If you are exporting an image sequence, type a number for the starting frame of the
sequence in the “Start number” field. Turn on the “Add spaces” checkbox to add an
extra space to the filename between the name and number. Some applications
require the space to read the image sequence files in the correct order.
Click the Advanced button to view and select advanced audio video options. The
available options change depending on the kind of export you selected.
To change the audio export options:
Choose File > Export, then click the Options button.
In the Audio section of the Video/Audio pane, choose the audio settings you want.
Choose the export sample rate from the “Sample rate” pop-up menu.
Click the Advanced button to set the compressor, rate, bit depth, and mono/stereo
settings in the Sound Settings dialog.
To change the output export options:
Choose File > Export, then click the Options button.
Click the Output tab.
In the Output pane, choose the output settings you want.
Turn on the “Use current project and canvas settings” checkbox to use the current
project settings as displayed in the Project Properties and the pop-up menus, or turn
it off to specify different settings.
Note: Export presets are exported with “Use current project and canvas settings”
turned on by default. Page 906 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM