Apple Motion 2 User Manual
Page 989

file path 162
in the Timeline 306
to keyframes 417
Negate behavior 360
Negative filter 734
Nested objects 194
Nesting layers 194, 291
Networked disks 163
Next frame 45
Ninjas 743
Noise Dissolve filter 778
Noise Dither filter 779
Noise generator 802
Non-square pixels 951–952
Normal blend mode 251, 253
NTSC video 944
DV vs analog 944
standard definition DV video and 944
Object blend modes 253
Object markers 312
Object menu 130
Alignment submenu 130
Blend Mode submenu 131
Unsolo submenu 131
adjusting drop shadows 237
aligning 228
and the Media tab 179
as emitter cells 572
as particle cell sources 568
cloning 228
copying to different layer 201
corner-pinning 238
cropping 239
cutting 298
deleting 183, 297
distributing 228
dropping into collapsed layers 290
exchanging 212
grouping and ungrouping 202
hints for naming 213
linked to media files 174
locking 207
managing in project 179–183
moving 290, 301
moving to different layers 201
moving to the playhead 294
offline 175
organizing 194
parameters in the Media tab 185
removing 72
renaming in the Timeline 276
reorganizing in Layers tab 200
rotating 233
scaling 230
selecting 221
selecting in Layers tab 200
setting duration preferences 456
shearing 236
shortcuts for moving 302
sorting in Media tab 210
transforming in Canvas 221
viewing relationships between 180
Object tab 103
Offline media 175, 181, 193
Offsetting text 478
about 243
animating 410
Preserve Opacity command 247
text objects 501
projects 154
recent projects 155
Open In QuickTime Player 64, 90
Open in Viewer 63, 90
Orbit Around behavior 380
Dashboard controls 381
example of 342
Outer Glow filter 758
Outlines 504
editing on text objects 504
on text objects 503
Overdrive filter 759
Overlay blend mode 260
standard definition DV video and 944 Page 989 Sunday, March 13, 2005 10:36 PM